Vanesa about latest detail

Vanesa similer names & personality Vanadevi, Vanae, Vanaika, Vanampadi, Vananya, Vanappu, Vanaraaji, Vanarani,

What is the meaning of Vanesa

Origin: Literary Invention; Also A Species Of Butterfly
Meaning: Butterfly
Gender: Girl
Pronunciation: V(a)-ne-sa

Top Literary invention; also a species of butterfly Boy Name

Top Literary invention; also a species of butterfly Girl Name



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question-name What is the Name Meaning of Vanesa?

answer-name Vanesa name meaning is "Butterfly".

question-name Is Vanesa a female name or male?

answer-name Vanesa name calling for "Girl".

question-name What is the origin of name Vanesa?

answer-name Vanesa origin is "Literary invention; also a species of butterfly".

question-nameHow to pronounce name Vanesa?

answer-nameThe pronunciation for name Vanesa is "V(a)-ne-sa".